Text data annotation is a crucial step in preparing textual datasets for training machine learning models. It involves adding meaningful labels to raw text data, which helps models learn to recognize and process various linguistic elements and contextual information. In the B-Llama3-o project, text data annotation is carried out through a combination of manual and automated processes to ensure high-quality annotations.

Annotation Types

  1. Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  2. Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS)
  3. Sentiment Analysis
  4. Text Classification
  5. Entity Linking
  6. Coreference Resolution

Annotation Process

  1. Manual Annotation

Manual annotation is performed by human annotators who carefully read the text and apply the appropriate labels. This process is essential for ensuring high accuracy and quality in the annotations.

  1. Automated Annotation

Automated annotation uses pre-trained models and algorithms to generate initial annotations. These annotations are then reviewed and corrected by human annotators to ensure high quality.

Example of Annotated Text Data

Below is an example of how text data might be annotated for various tasks:

Raw Text